New Innovation in Bridge Conveyor Design

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Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration 2015 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, US

Cable Bridge Conveyor – New Suspension Bridge Based Conveyor System


Above ground, elevated belt conveyors with span >200 m between support points can cross valleys, rivers, forests and buildings with minimal footprint. The Cable Bridge Conveyor is a new type of suspension bridge based belt conveyor system that has long span between support points. It combines typical belt conveyor and the improved simple suspension bridge to form a conveyor bridge. The improved simple suspension bridge places a widened bridge deck directly on suspended cables, without the need for high truss towers. The benefits include reduced cost and increase aerodynamic stability compared to conventional suspension bridges. The Cable Bridge Conveyor’s compatibility with current belt conveyors allows the versatility in application.


Cable Bridge Conveyor Brochure



Other publications on material handling systems:


Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration 2014 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Efficient Elevated Conveyor Structure And Better Maintenance Using Self Powered Trolley


With overland conveyors crossing populated area and difficult terrains, long stretches of the conveyor structure are often elevated above ground. Conventional design uses walkways attached to the elevated structure to provide maintenance access. Using a self-powered trolley that moves on the conveyor structure can eliminate the walkway. The cost of the walkway is high when the conveyor length is long. The maintenance is also difficult, inefficient, and unsafe when workers have to walk long distances to inspect and replace parts. Project examples and cost benefits analysis of using the self-powered trolley are illustrated.


Minimizing Belt Wear And Damage From Optimized Chute Design


High tension steel cord belts are typically used in high tonnage, hard rock handling systems. Steel cords in conveyor belts can be damaged from impacting large rocks. Top cover may suffer excessive wear from accelerating the material to belt speed by friction. Wet, sticky material often plugs the chute, which also causes belt damage. Using Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) analysis, the transfer chute design can be optimized in order to minimize these problems and extend the service life of conveyor belts.


Bulk Solids Handling, No. 4, 2013

Overland Pipe Conveyor With Low Rolling Resistance Belt


Overland tubular pipe conveyors can overcome difficult terrains and protect the environment. But a pipe conveyor’s power consumption typically doubles that of comparable trough conveyor, due to the additional rolling resistance from the pipe belt. For an overland pipe conveyor longer than 3 km, the capital and operating costs from the increased power consumption are significant. The Low rolling resistance (LRR) trough belt is well studied in theory, tested in lab, and proven in conveyor applications. This article describes a methodology that analyses LRR pipe belts and introduces recent applications of LRR pipe belts on overland pipe conveyors that reduces power consumption and improves performance.


Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration 2012 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, US

Pipe Conveyor And Belt: Belt Construction, Low Rolling Resistance And Dynamic Analysis


New developments in the pipe conveyor and belt are advanced to address the growth in the capacity, length and complexity of pipe conveyor systems. Improved belt construction can offer better stability during horizontal curves and resistance to twist. Low rolling resistance rubber compound can significantly lower the power consumption and
belt tension, producing capital and operation cost savings. Dynamic analysis, when used to analyze the conveyor’s starting and stopping behavior, can improve the design and reliability of long overland pipe conveyor systems. For these three aspects, technical backgrounds and field installations as examples are discussed in this paper.

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